
Effective sponsoring is the most important accountability piece to every business owner reaching their individual revenue goals. It’s not hard to sponsor, nor is it time consuming. Simply print the following PDF form and follow step by step. If your participants are not willing to complete the action steps on the dates they have selected for themselves in the Challenge, then this is a good sign that this program is not right for them at this time. You need to move on and work at sponsoring the willing.  

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Note the photo above. Your primary responsibility is to help at least 10 business owners follow the same proven system you are following. That’s it. But, you HAVE to show them the revenue that will be generated from properly following the system. Remember “human behavior”? Just like employees continuously want more income, we as business owners continuously strive to produce more revenue, right? So, if we have a specific need or want for our existing businesses, chances are it can be achieved with additional revenue. And it helps when this revenue can be achieved quickly. And here is how we do it:


Attention! Send this email to your Participant’s CONTACT ONE day after your Participant sends an email to them, from their date(s) established in the Challenge. Forward your Participant’s email (with webinar attached), and “cc” your Participant.


To: Jim Naring (Contact)

Cc: Nancy Willard (Participant)

Subject: Fw: Increasing Employee Bonuses

Hi Jim,

See attached email below. I’m Nancy Willard’s sponsor for the revenue generating benefits program she emailed you.

I just wanted to welcome you to view the program, and to remind you to keep the “main thing” the “main thing”. Employees will forever want additional income, and now we can generate unlimited revenue by giving it to them!   

Let me know if you have any questions! Take care!


Larry Jones


To: Jim Naring (Contact)

Cc: Larry Jones (Sponsor)

Subject: Increasing Employee Bonuses

Hi Jim,

This groundbreaking employee benefits program generates immediate, unlimited revenue for your business while showing your most valued employees that you truly care. Let me know what you think. Please review it ASAP. It’s only 20 minutes. You’ll see the urgency to decide if the program is right for your business after you view the information. Click the YouTube link below:

REV 365 Employee Benefits Program



Nancy Willard