Sharing the Program



What is ‘Mission Critical’? Answer: Sharing the program. If the program is not shared, then no revenue can be made. The more the program is shared, the more revenue is made. It’s just that simple. We teach business owners how to focus on ‘Mission Critical’ by keeping the main thing the main thing! What’s the “main thing”?  An employee would never stop spending $50 a month as long as they are receiving $100 or more in their paychecks every month! 

From time-to-time people will get distracted from “keeping the main thing the main thing”. This can come in the form of business owners asking way too many questions before they start sharing the program themselves. This delays team growth and its associated revenue for the entire team. Bottom line, we teach how to trust the system through the understanding of human behavior.

There will be plenty of time to get answers to questions in the days/weeks to come during the Challenge. But the trust must be there first, to move forward. Everyone starts at the same spot, ground zero, with no knowledge, and not knowing all the answers.  That’s what this website is for.  Simply share the program and direct everyone to this website.


When making your list of contacts, start with:

1.      Business owners (w/employees) you know well, regardless of the industry in which they work. 

2.      Business owners (w/employees) who are in your same industry of work who have MULTI-LOCATION OFFICES.  Whether you know them well or not. Start in your local district or state. Why approach these individuals? Because they have:

a.      A successful track record of implementing duplicatable systems.

b.      A circle of Influence in their industry.

3.      Business owners (w/employees) you may not know well but are in your same industry of work.

4.      Business owners (w/employees) in any industry of work (whether you know them or not).

Important! You and your team (organization) need to bombard these multi-location business owners in your particular industry with this program! Why? Eventually, when those business owners DO say yes to this program (from whatever or whoever triggers them to join), you want them to fall somewhere in YOUR organization, get it?

While our program only calls for having an initial list of 15-20 business owners prior to entering the Challenge, it should be easy for business owners to accumulate a much larger list of names over time. This would only be by choice. For example, if you wanted to amplify the growth model at a much faster pace, you could generate a list of more than 30+ names. More names means faster growth.  

This program is based on existing relationships and/or a business owner’s particular industry of work. Many of us have access to business owners all over the world, within our same company. Others can get access to business owners in their same industry just by googling them. Regardless of access, write their names down in the notes section of your phone. Remember, there are 30+ million business owners in the U.S. alone! Even business owners you don’t know, in your same industry, can immediately relate to common needs/wants that can be addressed with the revenue this program offers.    

There are 2 primary ways to share this program:

1.      Taped webinar (shared via email, Google Drive, or YouTube)

2.      Weekly ZOOM calls

Steps to sharing (when you know the business owner):

1.      Call or email the business owner in advance, letting them know you will be sending them information for their review…(see sample email below). Send the information. Follow-up in 2 days to see if they’ve viewed the information.  

2.      Whether they’ve seen the information or not, call/text/email “What’s your revenue number?” Or if they’re hesitant, then ask “how much money would it take to make this program worth your time?” Then run that figure through the Revenue Builder calculation.

Steps to sharing (when you DON’T know the business owner):

1.      Call or email the business owner in advance to introduce yourself. Let them know who you are, and your profession, and let them know you will be sending information about a revenue generating benefits program used for your business that will cost them nothing to test it in their business…(see sample email below). Send the email. Follow-up in 2-3 days to see if they’ve viewed the program.

2.      Whether they’ve seen the information or not, call/text/email “What’s your revenue number?” Or if they’re hesitant, then ask “how much money would it take to make this program worth your time?” Then run that figure through the Revenue Builder calculation.

IMPORTANT: If they answer, “I don’t know yet”, then that’s okay! Many people have life and business needs/wants that can be solved with money. But far too many are too stressed, worried, or frustrated that they don’t take the time to physically calculate what is needed to monetarily satisfy that need/want. This is where you can help. Successful business owners tend to deal with larger financial numbers than the general public. This can sometimes lead to larger business or personal issues/challenges. So, don’t be afraid to throw out larger numbers (per month) to help them start planning. Something to get them thinking. Ex. “How about and extra $5000/month flowing through your business…Or an extra $15,000?”


Attention! Send the following email to each of your Contacts on the date(s) established by you, in the Challenge. All Participants should “cc” their Sponsor when sending this email. You can cut and paste, or tailor this sample email to your audience.

IMPORTANT! The SUBJECT field of this email should be titled: Increasing Employee Bonuses


To: Jim Naring (Contact)

Cc: Larry Jones (Sponsor)

Subject: Increasing Employee Bonuses

Hi Jim,

This groundbreaking employee benefits program generates immediate, unlimited revenue for your business while showing your most valued employees that you truly care. Let me know what you think. Please review it ASAP. It’s only 20 minutes. You’ll see the urgency to decide if the program is right for your business after you view the information. Click the YouTube link below:

REV 365 Employee Benefits Program


Nancy Willard


Contact Follow Up

Our suggestion is to follow-up with your contact just once to see if they have viewed the introductory webinar or ZOOM call. Whether they have reviewed the information or not, immediately ask what their initial revenue goal would be? See the Revenue Builder tab on this website. 

NOTE: This is not a program that needs to have you continually chasing or tracking people down just to see if they reviewed the program. We are all business owners with busy schedules, and the last thing we want to do with this program is add another daily “to-do” to an already busy schedule, right?

A business owner already has an existing need/want, or they don’t. You cannot make them have one, and we cannot help anyone who does not have one. Please respect their time and wishes and simply move on to your next contact. 2-3 days is the length of time we suggest waiting for someone to give an answer as to whether they want to at least take The Challenge, which cost nothing to do. If it takes longer for them to get back to you, then chances are this program cannot help them at this time. They may end up contacting you at a later date, as they continue to be contacted by fellow business owners.

PS. Your Sponsor will be sending a follow-up email to your Contact a day following this email! See Sponsor page to see an example of that email.

IMPORTANT! When you are contacting business owners who have agreed to take the Challenge, do not be afraid to give those same business owners the names of prospects on YOUR contact list who you’ve contacted but who have delayed taking the Challenge, or have not yet responded to you. Doing this will further stress to that prospect the importance of at least giving this program a try.

Now, let’s get familiar with the process to join our team after the Challenge! 

Click below.