The network marketing (direct selling) industry has been around since the late 1800’s. Some of you may be familiar with the industry, but certainly not in the way we use it for this program. This 200 billion dollar worldwide industry is larger than the motion picture industry, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and NASCAR combined.

The Business Dictionary defines ‘network marketing’ as a direct selling method in which independent agents (members) serve as distributors of goods and services, and are encouraged to build and manage their own sales force by recruiting and training other independent agents. In this method, residual commissions are earned on the agent’s own sales volume, as well as on the sales volume of the entire sales force created by the agent and his or her recruits (called downline).  

In other words, network marketing companies are similar to insurance companies. They both pay their independent agents residual commissions for the sale of products & services. However, there is one major difference between the two. Network marketing companies ALSO pay their independent agents residual commissions for building a sales force of individuals who do the same thing they do (as described in the definition above). 

If you understand how your insurance company pays your own insurance agent residual commissions as a result of your recurring monthly insurance payments, then you can understand how network marketing companies pay their independent agents residual commissions from recurring monthly product sales from their own customer base, except in larger profitable amounts.

As a network marketing member, visualize yourself OWNING an insurance company with hundreds of thousands of independent agents…receiving revenue resulting from your entire sales force…EXCLUDING the risks/liability, claims, and other expenses generally associated with owning an insurance company!  NOTE: This is just an example. This program does not involve insurance in any way.


The REV 365 Employee Benefits Program creates consistent sales for the network marketing company on a monthly basis from the employee’s participation in the program. These consistent sales allow the network marketing company to pay residual commissions (revenue) to you, the business owner. From these residual commissions, your employees are able to profit-share in the form of bonuses paid by you, through their regular payroll. 

In the REV 365 Employee Benefits Program:

  • YOU, the business owner, become a MEMBER of the network marketing company (similar to any Amazon, SAMS Club, or COSTCO discount membership).
  • YOUR EMPLOYEES serve as YOUR CUSTOMERS with the network marketing company.

At the time you acquire membership with the network marketing company, you will set up the monthly orders for your employees (just once).  Total time for setup is approximately 15 minutes. The only other thing you do is share this same program with other business owners across the U.S., and abroad. It’s that simple! 


Everyone wins!

  1. Employees achieve better health, along with profit-sharing bonuses from you, the business owner.
  2. You, the business owner, generate unlimited residual commissions resulting from employee participation in the program, and the sharing of this program with other business owners.
  3. The network marketing company generates unlimited residual revenue resulting from consistent sales, through customer acquisition and the highest customer retention rates in the industry.  


As you can see, marrying network marketing with the perfect sales system creates lifelong, consistent revenue which can be used for any of your personal or business needs. Now, before getting into the money side of things, it’s important to review the attributes of quality network marketing organizations who can; 1) consistently produce quality products from which employees will choose; 2) consistently pay large sums of commissions (revenue) to its members for the sale of those products. Click below.