Revenue Builder


The Revenue Builder is not a spreadsheet or software package that calculates projected revenue. It uses the successful completion of the 30-Day Free Look Challenge, PLUS a simple calculation to provide the estimated number of LEVEL 3s (people completing the 30-day challenge) in a business owners entire organization needed to achieve their monthly revenue goal, PLUS an estimated time frame in which to achieve that goal.

It is NOT a guarantee of earnings. It only provides what is POSSIBLE when everyone believes, with waiving,  the same thing. An employee will never stop giving $50 a month towards this benefits program as long as they are receiving $100 or more each month in return for their participation. Each business owner understands that it’s the inert human behavior which springboards all business owners, who participate in the Challenge, into becoming a LEVEL 3 when they launch (join the team). Using a system that benefits both the employee and employer alike allows the rapid, continuous growth of LEVEL 3s throughout your entire organization.   


The Revenue Builder calculation is your monthly revenue goal, divided by the monthly average commission earned per business owner on your entire team, divided by the total number of business owners on your message board (30, excluding you), which equals the number of LEVEL 3s needed anywhere in your entire organization to reach your initial monthly revenue goal. 10 of those 30 business owners must be sponsored by you.

NOTE: All message boards (excluding you on the board) have a total of 30 business owners. So, this part of the calculation remains constant. The $6 average commission earned per business owners remains constant as well.

Example 1

A business owner would like an additional $5,400 a month flowing through their business for marketing and hiring additional staff. Here’s the calculation:  

$5400/month divided by $6, commission earned per month/per business owner, equals a total of 900 business owners needed on their entire team. 900 divided by 30 (the number of business owners on a person’s message board when everyone has “launched”) equals 30 business owners at LEVEL 3.

$5400/$6 = 900 total business owners 

In this example, the business owner simply takes the total number of individual business owners needed (900) and matches it to with the Revenue Growth Chart shown below. 

Although team growth and time frames are NOT guaranteed, the chart below can give an estimated number of business owners and a time frame as to when they could possibly achieve their individual revenue goal. Another way to look at it is a business owner would achieve their revenue goal by having at least 30 LEVEL 3s anywhere in his/her entire team (organization).

900 business owners/30 = 30 Level 3’s

That’s just 30 business owners in the whole world, who have completed the 30-day Challenge, and have had each person on their message board complete the same challenge and launch. That’s it! All using a system of guaranteed sales…employees ordering products each and every month without fail, and receiving profit-sharing bonuses in return.   

Example 2

A business owner wants to clear $648,000 in debt (loans, etc.) off their books within a year. Here’s the calculation. First, break the total number down into months. Ex. $648,000 divided by 12 months is $54,000/month.

$54000/$6 = 9000

9000/30 = 300 Level 3’s

In this example, the business owner should have an individual goal of having at least 300 LEVEL 3s anywhere in his/her entire organization over the course of a year. That’s just 300 small business owners out of 30 million in the U.S. alone, who have completed the 30-day Challenge, and have had each person on their message board take the same challenge and launch. Again, using the same system of guaranteed sales…..employees ordering products each and every month without fail, and receiving profit-sharing bonuses in return.

In other words, in Example 1, we can see that the same system that produced $5400/month is the same system that produces $54,000/month, due to system duplication. It would only be a matter of time and program exposure.

Time to Goal Achievement – How Long?

Knowing the total number of business owners needed on your team in order to achieve your individual revenue goals is one thing. How long it will take to achieve that goal is another. As mentioned, the answer to both depends on program exposure by individual business owners. That’s it. It depends on each of us, individually, doing our part during the Challenge:

1.       Ask AT LEAST 2-3 business owners a week, for the first 4 weeks, to view the program.

2.       Show them the money (Revenue Builder).

Doing this repeatedly throughout the 30-day Challenge is what produces the growth in numbers you see below.

                REVENUE GROWTH CHART

DISCLAIMER! Remember, there are NO income/revenue guarantees, nor guaranteed timeframes to achieve those goals. Our sole purpose in this program is to give you a target! Rather than following numbers, our team focuses on individual ACTION STEPS outlined in The Challenge! Working the system produces the revenue, not dreams and numbers on paper!

Final Notes

With most network marketing companies, you cannot reach LEVEL 3 without personally sponsoring at least 10 individual business owners who each sponsor 2 business owners using this program. This is why we specifically set the program up to for you to successfully ask 10 business owners to view the program and take the Challenge.

Also keep in mind that you will not be waiting to SUDDENLY receive $5,400 a month, or $54,000 a month in your checking account based on the 2 examples above. You will be receiving multiple bonuses and commissions/revenue week by week, month by month leading up to the accomplishment of your individual goals.

QUESTION: What’s YOUR monthly revenue goal? Are you still trying to grow your current business? Or eliminate a debt completely? No matter the amount, large or small…write it down! Attach a vision to it. Picture what you will do with the added revenue. Let’s go at it together, as a team, everyone rowing in the same direction!

But wait…THERE’S MORE!

Every network marketing company has built-in “money multipliers” specifically designed to keep company growth and momentum going. They offer both temporary and permanent bonus programs geared toward this continued growth. Our REV 365 Employee Benefits Program was created to hit these certain “triggers” within the network marketing company’s compensation plan, as long as the system is consistently worked.

So, don’t be surprised if you look up and see money automatically deposited into your bank account from the network marketing company and you not necessarily knowing how or why it got there. Just trust the system.

Love to Travel?

Ever wonder what it would be like to get a standing ovation at an event? Or, what if you qualify for a trip for reaching achievements with the network marketing company using this program? Network marketing companies offer multiple achievement trips as well! Continuously working our system will automatically place you in position to travel each and every year with your chosen network marketing company! All you have to do is review the qualifications for travel with that company and simply work our system the appropriate number of times in order to meet that trip qualification. Crazy, right?