With the REV 365 Employee Benefits Program, residual commissions are generated directly from the product sales of your entire sales force. Whenever a product leaves the shelf of the network marketing company’s warehouse, your membership number is tied to that product, telling the network marketing company’s computer program to associate that sale with your membership number. These product sales occur automatically every month (via autoship ordering) through the participation of all the employees associated with all the business owners on your entire sales force. 
The more product sales from your entire sales force, the more commissions earned. It’s just that simple. So, sharing this program with other business owners throughout the U.S. and abroad becomes important if you wish to build a large successful sales force. Remember, your entire sales force is not built by you alone. Your sales force grows from the successful sharing of this program by you and all of the business owners on your entire team who each share this same program with just a few other business owners, and so on, and so on.
In addition to residual commissions, network marketing companies offer what are called FastStart/Quickstart bonuses to their members. These separate bonuses are offered to members for reaching certain milestones or positions of sales/growth on their teams within a certain number of weeks or months. These immediate bonuses can reach $3000-$10,000+ in just a few weeks/months. See your Sponsor concerning these upfront bonuses offered by the chosen network marketing company.
Most network marketing companies pay commissions on a weekly and/or monthly bases. So, the faster you get started with sharing the program, the faster you can generate revenue for your business. The exact details of commissions and bonuses paid to members can be obtained by the individual who directed you to this website (you Sponsor), or from the membership website of the chosen network marketing company.
Now that you understand how commissions are earned and paid, it’s time to introduce the system that is guaranteed to process those commissions directly into your bank account. We do this by showing you how to maximize most, if not all, network marketing company’s compensation plans! 
Click below.