We asked dozens of employees the same simple question…

"Would you spend $50 a month on your health in order to earn a $100 a month bonus..or more?"

Time and time again, the response was a resounding “YES!” 
This positive response to the “Simple Question” became the foundation of the REV 365 Employee Benefits Program.  The employee’s desire to increase their income while taking care of their own health would solidify employee retention while generating immediate, unlimited revenue for YOU, the small business owner. In other words, for every $50 contribution by the employee into the program, the employer, in turn, would give an increasing match of $100 or more in profit-sharing bonuses to the employee! Wow! Move over 401K and SEP plans…there’s a new sheriff in town! 
So, how does this intriguing offer to employees generate immediate, unlimited revenue to be used at your disposal? First, we need to understand the need for a quality employee benefits program and increased health & wellness in the small business workplace. 
Click below.