Frequently Asked Questions

It’s simple…generating revenue from guaranteed sales. REV 365 uses a one-of-a-kind Customer Acquisition System (CAS system) with:

  • improved health & wellness for hundreds and thousands of employees across the nation 
  • higher employee retention
  • a loyal customer base (of employees) for the network marketing company…resulting in the highest customer retention rates in the industry
  • consistent revenue for the network marketing company 
  • consistent commissions/revenue for YOU, the business owner

The REV 365 Employee Benefits Program is a system built from the loyalty and reward of employees who participate in the profit-sharing program. In this system, your employees serve as your customers (which are also customers of the network marketing company). The employee’s participation in the profit-sharing program will allow them to initially receive $2 for every $1 they spend ordering products through your network marketing membership each month. 

Each time a business owner sets this program up in their place of business, your sales force is growing with loyal customers (employees). This loyal customer base of employees throughout your entire sales force will never leave the program (except regular employee attrition) as they continue to receive bonuses tied to their participation. This results in the highest customer retention rates for your entire sales force, AND for the network marketing company!  Additionally, through the success of the program, each employee can be offered the chance of receiving an even higher bonus ratio than 2:1, which would further solidify their continued participation in the program, increasing employee retention.

Absolutely not. The entire program is completely flexible! Any and all parts of the program can be altered to fit a business owner’s particular needs.   

  • Employee participation is optional
  • The amount of bonuses you ultimately chose to pay, and how you pay your employees is optional
  • The $200 monthly retail order, along with the employee $50 minimum monthly order is optional*
  • The Employee Agreement Form, and everything written in it, is optional 

*The $200 minimum retail order, while optional is needed to qualify for monthly commissions.

  • Increased health & wellness for you and your employees
  • Increased employee retention
  • An additional revenue stream which can be used for business growth & subsidizing employee benefits
  • Cost to run the program is absorbed through employee participation 
  • Building a customer base (of loyal employees) who will never quit the program
  • Program runs maintenance-free  

First, we suggest answering these questions:

1.  Do you have a basic understanding of the REV 365 Concept?

2. Do you have a “need” or “want” for your business or personal life that can be addressed with additional income? 

3. Do you believe your employees would answer “yes” to the “Simple Question?”

If you’ve answered “yes” to each of the above questions, then this program is PERFECT for your business. If you are still unsure, simply take the 30-Day Free Look Challenge. This will allow you to review the program over the next 30 days WHILE building your team & revenue.  

The biggest mistake you can make is refusing to present this opportunity to your employees, or other business owners. Realize that this program can have an everlasting effect on your health, as well as the financial well-being of your business & family for years to come.

Ask them the “Simple Question.”  If they say “yes” to the question, then you’re on your way to success with the program.  We haven’t met an employee who doesn’t want additional income for their household! Remind them that the primary goal of your business remains “growth” (in all aspects of your business). Their participation in the program will help this growth…and more growth means increased salary opportunities for your employees. But if they’re not participating, they’ll be excluded from these opportunities. Especially as the bonuses increase over time, as the revenue grows.

The only sale that is taking place is when your employees order product each month through your individual membership with the network marketing company. 

Our question to you: Are you selling products in this program to your employees, or are your employees buying product from you each month, as an incentive to get bonuses? The answer depends on your point of view. Either way you look at it, sales are occurring automatically each month because the initial orders are placed on auto-ship. Once the initial order is set up, no maintenance is required. Just sit back and let the program run itself. 

The initial cost for membership with most network marketing companies is generally less than $50 (typically less than Amazon, SAMS Club, or COSTCO discount membership), and renews annually. The monthly MINIMUM retail sales of $200 needed to receive commissions as described in this program are absorbed through the participation of your employees ($50 per employee). You control how often employees are paid bonuses (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually).  These are the initial and only costs needed to run the program. So, yes, it is entirely possible for a business owner with more than 4 employees to never have to come out of pocket, themselves, to start this program!

NOTE: If you have less than 4 employees, you, as the business owner, will need to make up the difference (shortage) to equal the minimum of $200 in retail sells. In other words, you should be a willing participant in the program as well. The Revenue Builder explains how quickly you can receive $3000-10,000+ in bonuses offered by the network marketing company within weeks after completing the Challenge and launching. You will use these bonuses to begin paying employee’s their profit sharing bonuses. 

No. The Employee Benefits Program and your membership with the network marketing company of choice can be terminated at any time.

After completing the 30-Day Free Look Challenge, it will take approximately 15 minutes to get signed up. This includes selecting the initial product orders for your employees.

You, as the business owner, have the actual membership with the network marketing company. Your employees serve as your customers in the program.

Yes. However, it should be noted that YOU, the business owner, are the person who has the membership with the network marketing company, not the employee. And you’ll want to guard access to your membership website as your revenue builds within the program…sharing your password will allow your employee access to your revenue numbers.

Once set up, the program runs maintenance-free. The only thing left to do is simply share this program with any of the 30+ million business owners across the U.S.  IMPORTANT! Sharing this program with other business owners is how your sales force and subsequent revenue grows. You will not earn revenue if you do not successfully share this program. Also see the Sponsor tab of this website.

Exposure…one business owner at a time. This program is simple to do once a business owner sees it and comprehends it. Business owners either have a need/want or they don’t. This is not something you need to convince anyone to do. Just expose them to the program and let them decide. 

CAUTION: Do NOT mass email people with this program. That shows a lack of respect for the individual(s) you claim to want to help with this program.  No one can help everyone at the same time. Take the time to show interest and concern in the business owner you are asking to review this information. Let them know you will be there to help them understand the program and get started, just as your Sponsor was there to help you. Remember, there are over 30 million small business owners in the U.S. alone. Most of them just need to be exposed to this program without prejudgment on your part. So, simply share this program with EVERY business owner you can! 

The short answer is “any business owner who can fog a mirror!” We stress this because you will never know WHO knows WHO within your sales force as it continues to grow. A friend of a friend of a friend may know a business owner who will know hundreds or thousands of business owners. Eventually, it will become surprising for you to learn the number of lives you will have impacted by simply sharing this program with that ONE person. So, stay focused on exposing the program to any and ALL business owners…allowing them each to present this profit-sharing benefits program to their employees. Something that will change their lives forever. 

No one knows the number. Even the illustration shared in this website is just an illustration with numbers…designed to show you how growth can happen. Simple repetition of something positive will lead to GREAT results. We have a first-of-its-kind system. So, just work the system using a goal of successfully helping a minimum of 10 business owners set up this program in their place of business in your first 30 days during the challenge. Then, teach them to do the same…and so on, and so on, and so on…

Important! Before taking the 30-Day Free Look Challenge, it’s important to have an initial contact list of 15-20 business owners you know, or don’t know. 

No one knows the answer to this question.  However, the sky’s the limit. The more the program is shared, the greater the sales volume for your entire organization, thus the greater the commissions (revenue).  If asked how much money you are making in this program, consider that a personal question. No one wants to openly share how much money their own business is making, and this shouldn’t be treated any different. If people HAVE to know how much money you’re making before joining the program, then this is probably not the program for them. Simply encourage business owners to share the program as often as they can, one business owner at a time, with no regard as to whether they WILL or WON’T do the program.

Revenue is generated in the form of commissions paid to you by the network marketing company whenever a product leaves the shelf of the network marketing company’s warehouse.  Your membership number is tied to the product that leaves the shelf telling the computer to associate that sale with your membership number.  The “residual” piece comes as a result of the continuous monthly orders of all the employees made by all the business owners within your sales force who have set this program up in their place of business. These residual commissions will generate month after month and year after year in a compounding effect as each business owner shares this program across the country.  

IMPORTANT! It is impossible for you to become successful in the program without recruiting other business owners to implement this same program in their place of business. Remember, that is the very nature of network marketing…creating a sales force of individuals. Therefore, before joining the program, it’s important to have an initial list of 15-20 business owners you know or don’t know.  

NO! We as business owners are too busy. Most of us do not need or want another “business opportunity” consuming our time, effort, and energy, on an indefinite bases! Our program is specifically designed to have MANY (business owners) individually help just a FEW other business owners accomplish their individual revenue goals. That’s it. The network marketing industry allows this to happen. This is how “leverage” is established in a global market. MANY helping a FEW, verses ONE (company/corporation) helping MANY, get it? 

Once you have completed the Challenge and have joined the team, we will show you how to properly set up your organization to never miss a paycheck as your sales organization continues to grow!  Having said that, there ARE a few “mavericks” that see the simplicity of this program, and they may choose to amplify their revenue by amplifying their number of business owner contacts. For example, instead of sharing the program w/15-20 business owners, they may chose to share the program with hundreds of business owners over time. That is totally optional. 

Using this program, and every business owner following the same system, you should be able to become independently wealthy WITHOUT having to continuously recruit business owners into this program, indefinitely. This is all possible through of the retention of customers built into the program,    

Employees will profit-share in the revenue created as a result of their individual participation in the program. Employees will initially earn $2 for every $1 they spend on products ordered each month. In order to qualify for the profit-sharing program, each employee has to spend a minimum of $50 per month in products ordered through your membership with the network marketing company. See the Employee Agreement Form for more details.

You, having membership with the network marketing company, are paid commissions directly from the network marketing company each time a sale takes place.  A sale is taking place each month your autoship order is processed on behalf of your employees’ product selections. You are also typically paid every time a sale takes place within your entire sales force. Most network marketing companies pay commissions on a weekly or monthly basis. The employee profit-sharing bonuses offered and paid to your employees are strictly between you (the business owner) and the employee, via regular payroll. Also see the Employee Agreement Form.

REV 365 and its affiliates do not represent, nor endorse any particular network marketing company, nor their products. This website is strictly informational and is designed to re-direct you back to the individual (Sponsor) who directed you to this website.  Your Sponsor will share with you the name of the network marketing company they have chosen to use for this program.

Products generally offered are:

  • Weight loss products
  • Nutrition drinks/shakes/bars
  • Performance drinks/shakes/bars
  • Healthy snacks/treats
  • Body cleansing systems
  • Healthy aging products
  • Skin care products
  • Energy drinks
  • Healthy coffees/teas
  • Etc…

Definitely! Network marketing companies encourage customers to try different products to see what works best for them.  

Yes. Employees can order products on behalf of their family members and friends, if they wish.  Those order amounts will count towards the $50 minimum the employee needs to order each month to participate in the program.  Remember, the more the employee orders, the greater their profit-sharing bonus. 

Note: If employees order products directly from the network marketing company, instead of through their employer, the order is not eligible for bonuses. The purpose of the REV 365 Employee Benefits Program is for the business owner to directly benefit from employees (customers) ordering through the employer’s membership number. This will allow the employer to continue to pay employee bonuses on time.

Yes. It is strongly encouraged. Your health & wellness is just as important as your employee’s health & wellness, right?  You will be using your employer membership number to make your orders along with your employees.

Your primary responsibility as a Sponsor is to be committed to helping each person you sponsor; 1) stay committed to completing each step of the 30-Day Free Look Challenge. and 2) if/when possible, encouraging their business owner contacts to at least take the same 30-Day Free Look Challenge. That’s it! 

The key is to get everyone focused on the revenue goals of those they sponsor, and helping them reach them. We do this by encouraging everyone to follow the same system. Simply direct them to this website and let it do all the talking/training/FAQ for them! This is what gets everyone paid with speed. See “The System” tab of this website to understand why this program is so successful. 

The $200 in retail sales was chosen for the program because monthly sales of this amount would consistently qualify business owners to receive monthly commissions from the network marketing compensation plan, month in and month out, without fail. In some cases, this amount is all that is needed to qualify for the maximum commissions a network marketing company has to offer.  Check with your Sponsor to see what minimum/maximum sales requirements are needed to maximize the compensation plan of the recommended network marketing company.

Note: Each business owner needs to make sure that their monthly orders total at least $200 in retail, which equates to 100 BV (Business Value).  Business Value (BV) is calculated at approximately 50% of retail orders. This will allow the business owner (employer) to be paid qualifying commissions each month without fail.

While REV 365 was created for business owners WITH employees, business owners who have ZERO employees can also participate. They can absorb the full ordering of $200 in retail sales each month themselves. This can be done with the full understanding that much of their future sales team will be made up of hundreds or thousands of business owners who DO have employees. This requires vision and understanding. 


Business owners without employees can start the program as the sole participant. They can self-consume the products (which happens often), or they can share the products with family/friends each month to sample for free. Family and friends (through sampling the product) may choose to start ordering themselves each month, which can eventually absorb part (or all) of the monthly ordering costs. This is not hard to do!


Self-consuming products is a GREAT option! Quite often, you may find yourself replacing regular meals with nutritional products, which over time benefits you, both financially AND health-wise.  

Remember the $200/month in retail costs? This is an actual cost of $150-$187 wholesale to you. As a network marketing member, you’ll enjoy a 15%-25% wholesale discount on all purchase orders. BEFORE setting up this program as a business owner with no employees, have a CLEAR game plan. Know what products you will be ordering each month for yourself that will total ($200/month). Consider if you will be sharing the monthly expense with other family/friends, or will it be you alone.

Lastly, a key advantage to NOT having employees is that you will not have to pay a $100 bonus to individual employees each month. Take a moment to do the math!  This is why business owners WITHOUT employees are also encouraged to participate in the program! However, your list of 15-20 business owners should consist of business owners WITH employees. 

If you do not have enough employees (at least 4) to absorb the $200 monthly program costs, then you, as the business owner, would need to cover the shortage. This would be similar to you not having any employees (see question above).  HOWEVER, with the 30-Day Look See Challenge, you can build “bank” revenue to cover the costs PRIOR to saying “yes” to the program. In addition, you can “scale up” employee participation (ex. 2 employees at a time) to allow revenue from the program to cover “phased-in” employees. 

CAUTION! The REV 365 program was designed to pay employee profit-sharing bonuses with the revenue generated directly from the program itself. If you have multiple employees, it is suggested that you “scale-up” employee participation (using a “phased-in” approach). Gradually bringing more employees into the program each month (ex. 2 employees per window of opportunity…determined by you, depending on how quickly revenue is generated from the program). This scaling up of employees can be based on seniority, or supervisory/management level individuals, etc. The choice is yours. One suggestion is to let ALL employees know that you are piloting this benefits program, and if it shows itself to be beneficial to the business, then it will be eventually opened up to all employees. 

See the Employee Agreement Form concerning your ability to shut the program down at your discretion. We suggest not to start bonus payouts until 2 months after “launching”. This will allow bonuses to be generated and received, along with residual revenue. Also see the “Revenue Builder” page on this website to see the projected bonus payout times weeks after launching. 

This program was designed to both inspire and incentivize the employee. While an employee may lose their “inspiration” for the health part of the program over time, we have not seen an employee lose interest in the “incentivized” (bonus) portion of the program…earning at LEAST $100 for every $50 they spend. Especially if the profit-sharing bonus ratios continue to increase over time from 2:1 to 3:1…and possibly lead to BASE SALARY increases as the revenue increases. This is why we say our Customer Acquisition System (CAS system) has the highest customer retention rates in the industry.  

Often, employees just need to be reminded…more revenue for your business means more salary increase opportunities for them. Simply remind your employees that the overall goal of this program is to grow your business, and their participation in the program plays an important part in that growth. 

Great question. The answer depends on how often you wish to share this program and then point people in the direction of this website. That’s it. The whole program is laid out for anyone to follow from A to Z. Our system allows for the highest level of duplication without having to become a Master of Information. Most of your effort will occur in the first 30 days (following the steps outlined in the Challenge). After that, you’re just sharing the webinar or zoom calls, which points individuals to this website. Easy-Peezy! 

After joining our team, you may choose to spend 5-10 minutes 1 day a week reaching out to 1-2 people about this program, from your continuous list of 20+ business owners. If you wish to grow your team faster to reach your revenue goal faster, we suggest contacting at least 3-4 business owners per month after joining the team. Others may do more, others may do less. Teaching the system properly will allow you to quickly reach your revenue goals through team effort, not just your effort alone. But each business owner expanding their individual number of contacts will literally blow all revenue numbers out the water! The option is yours. 

A simpler answer to this same question is “less time than it will take to hire and train a new employee, after losing one to a competitor who uses this program.”

You can still order products for your employees from any business owner who is active in this program, however:

  1. The whole program would just be an ADDED expense to your business without the ability to generate revenue to offset this added expense. 
  2. Employees will eventually stop ordering products because they lack the monetary incentive to keep ordering even if they aren’t in a “wellness” mode to order each month. 

This is not the intent of the program.   

See the Surety of Launch concept on this website. When this concept is embraced and respectfully followed BEFORE a business owner enters into the 30-Day Free Look Challege, the chances of a business owner NOT launching becomes very rare. However, if this does happen, have no fear. In our system, the “descendants” of business owners who originally appear on your message board are all directly or indirectly tied to your message board via your membership number once they launch. Our Admin team will connect these “descendants” to your message board accordingly. 

For the purposes of this program, descendants are individual business owners who are in the downline of business owners who originally appear on your message board. They are also in YOUR downline. A descendant anywhere down the line (your downline) will take the place of any business owner who fails to launch when they are notified to do so.

Holding off sharing the program with other business owners while you “vet” the program is actually YOU vetting the program FOR them. And you can’t vet the program for other business owners. You can only vet the program for your own business, your own situation, etc. You may personally come to the conclusion that this program is not for you and decide not to share it with others because of what YOU think about the program, etc.


Don’t slow the system down. Every business owner deserves the right to hear about this program, and vet it for their own business, or situation in life. What works for them may not work for you, and vice versa.  All you’re doing when you delay the sharing of this information is you’re slowing down future revenue from flowing into your business. See the “Surety of Launch” described in the Challenge tab of this website. 

How you collect the money for monthly product orders, and how you pay out bonuses are strictly up to you. Keep in mind:

  1. Employees are not charged shipping & handling (S&H), or taxes when ordering through your membership number. These fees are absorbed by you, the business owner, through your membership when ordering for the group each month.
  2. You, the business owner, are receiving wholesale discount pricing through your membership with the network marketing company. Using our program, the employee’s product orders are required to be a minimum total retail price of $50 each month. This difference is a savings advantage for the business owner, which helps cover S&H fees, and taxes.  
  3. Running the program “maintenance free” will allow each employee the ability to establish their own membership accounts with the network marketing company which will be connected to your membership number. This will give them the ability to make changes to their individual orders without having to notify you each month before doing so. HOWEVER, they will be responsible for shipping & handling, along with taxes when they submit their individual orders. 
Given the information above, it is up to the business owner to decide what works best for their business and their employees.

Having a revenue goal established tells your Sponsor that you are engaged in the program and committed to executing the steps needed to accomplish that revenue goal. This includes sharing the program to the allotted number people in the allotted timeframe established. As business owners, we value our time, both business and personal, and the high success rate of this program dictates a level of accountability among its participants which guarantees no one’s time is wasted.   

Definitely! All network marketing companies allow for the transfer of memberships to other entities. Contact the individual network marketing company for details of this nature.  

The REV 365 system is not a product or service for sale, nor is it to be confused with the costs associated with joining network marketing companies. REV 365 is a copy-written business system strictly designed to generate revenue for the small business owner through the use of network marketing but does not promote any specific named network marketing company, nor their products. See full disclaimer on this website.

We stress that every business owner go through the same 30-day Challenge so they can experience the complete program and be better positioned to assist anyone else on their team as it grows. The purpose of the Challenge is to prove the system works when worked step by step. Having said that, if a business owner has a large “immediate following” of business owners ALSO interested in bypassing the 30-day Challenge and immediately launching, then this requires pre-planning of all 31 business owners who would be on your same message board. But keep in mind that bypassing the 30-day Challenge is something that cannot be easily duplicated with your team, as the majority of business owners do not have a large “immediate following” of business owners as some may have. 

No problem. Revenue growth (organization/team growth) is strictly dependent upon program exposure. You would simply increase the suggested number of successful business owner contacts from 15-20 to a higher number of contacts, depending upon your personal goals. Doubling or even tripling the number of business owner exposures, and teaching others to do the same will rapidly multiply, exponentially, your overall revenue achievements. Just be sure you take the time to help each individual business owner you want sponsor achieve their individual revenue goals, first!

Network marketing companies realize that it takes time to build a sales force generating residual revenue. Therefore, most network marketing companies offer what are called FASTSTART or QUICKSTART bonuses designed to spark team growth through the sales volume of entire teams. This allows members to earn immediate bonuses for building teams with sales volume goals reached in a certain number of weeks/months. See the Revenue Builder section of this website to see how soon you can expect to earn the first $3000+ in bonuses offered after “launching” with this program.