REV 365 30-Day Free Look Challenge

Print the following 30 Free Look Challenge PDF
Print the following Message Board PDF

Welcome to the REV 365 30-Day Free Look Challenge! A non-pressured approach to establishing immediate, long-term residual revenue for your business. No money needed for the Challenge!

This challenge is DATE driven…this means you should be able to estimate the approximate dates initial bonuses will be entering your bank account based upon the dates you enter into the challenge! YOU and your sponsor determine the dates that fit your schedule! 

IMPORTANT! As business owners, we all know you can’t get to “big money” without deliberate and intentional action steps, which generally start small. These smaller steps come with accountability. If you feel you are not up to “the Challenge”, meaning:

  1. Sharing the information with your contacts on the dates you choose, and;
  2. Following up 2 days later to ask your business owner friends, specifically, “What’s your revenue goal”? (whether they’ve watched the webinar or not).

Then we kindly ask that you step aside. No harm, no foul. We’re a team that consistently hits our target dates because we ultimately understand that the “launch” (join) date of all business owners are what initiates the network marketing company’s computer program to start releasing the initial $3,000+ in bonuses into our bank accounts.

Our team uses the “Surety of Launch” concept, which is a bond, an arm’s length agreement between business owners who agree that no business owner will ever enter the 30-day challenge without agreeing to the following:

  • Having a monthly revenue goal that is shared with their Sponsor, and applied to the Revenue Builder calculation.
  • Having a written record of at least 15-20+ business owners they know, or don’t know (with employees) on paper or written in the notes section of their phone. You will contact these individuals during the challenge.
  • Following through with asking these same 15-20+ business owners to view this program and encouraging them to at least take this same 30-day challenge free of charge.
  • Launching (joining) in succession of their Sponsor after being notified it’s time to do so, if they feel this program fits their needs.

This “Surety of Launch” is what binds us together as a massive team and brings validation to the estimated bonuses and commissions/revenue shown in this program. It takes what’s possible and turns it into reality! Each of us working together to ensure that everyone on the entire team, rowing in the same direction, reaches their individual revenue goals.

Note: EVERYONE should go through the 30-Day Challenge. Even if you already know and believe the program works. Here’s why. This 30-day experience will place you in the best position to assist and encourage many who will follow you. NO money is paid out during the 30-Day Challenge. This is simply a time for your review, in preparation for launching.

Program Advantages

  • Allows you to do your due diligence, as a business owner, to test and vet the complete program.
  • Allows everyone to begin building their team before they even say ‘yes’ to the program.
  • Allows everyone to “bank” (realize) future revenue for their businesses before joining.
  • Shows you how easy it is to cover employee bonuses before starting the program. 

Benefit to Employees

  • Better health & wellness. It allows your employees time to review the company products and see what interest them.
  • Bonuses! An additional stream of income for their households.
  • Connect with a “wellness community” that supports & encourages them to reach their individual health & wellness goals.

Benefit to Business Owners

  • Better health & wellness
  • Revenue generator for business or personal use
  • Generational wealth builder
  • Additional benefit package for employees
  • Employee retention

Program Guarantees

  • Whatever your employees buy/order, they will receive in the mail (satisfaction; money back guarantee)
  • You will receive eligible commissions from whatever is ordered

Each of these guarantees are tied to a computer program designed and written by the network marketing company to react to a sales process resulting in eligible commissions being paid.

The one NON-guarantee in this program is how much money you will make and when you will make it. While revenue can be projected based on dates entered in the Challenge, this depends entirely on how often the program is shared and the individual decisions of over 30+ million U.S. small business owners who decide to take this same challenge free of charge.

Use the steps below to track your status in our Telegram group during the challenge:

Telegram App search steps:

1.      Click on the “chats” icon at the bottom of screen.

2.      In the Search field on the screen, type the group name “Team Repeat”.

3.      Select the group name “Team Repeat”.

4.      Click the group name “Team Repeat” at the top of the screen. This will open an options box.

5.      Select the “search” button.

6.      In the search box type your FULL (first and last) name and your start date (MM/DD)

7.      You will be shown messages with lists of names. Look for the message box (list of names) where YOUR name appears in the #1 (first) position. Take note the number of business owners (team members) you have on your team so far.  Once your message board reaches 31 names, it’s time to “launch”! Look for notification from our Admin team and get with your Sponsor to get signed up! Congratulations!



 REV 365 30-Day Free Look Challenge

IMPORTANT! ALL Participants & Sponsors! Each business owner will only need to go through this 4-week process ONCEThis challenge is DATE driven! You and your Sponsor determine the dates. Each business owner following the dates they establish will literally walk revenue directly into their bank account!

WARNING! Sponsors should verify that Participants have completed the following, PRIOR to starting The Challenge:  

   Viewed the REV 365 introductory webinar, or ZOOM call, AND the Revenue Builder webinar.

   Received the name of the network marketing company and received our TEAM name from your Sponsor. Moving forward, you will hear these names throughout the Challenge and your launch.

   Received the network marketing company’s introductory video and compensation plan video from your Sponsor. Also, get the name of the highest ranked position with the network marketing company that’s equivalent to LEVEL 3 position as described in this program. Their compensation plan will make more sense to you once you obtain that ranked position.

   Established a monthly revenue goal. Shared with the Sponsor and together they have calculated a timeline to reach that goal (i.e., number of weeks/months.) See the Revenue Builder calculation on this REV 365 website.

   Have a list of 15-20 business owners you know (or don’t know) with employees. Keeping this list in the notes section of your phone or written down at your desk. See the “Sharing” page of this website for steps to creating your contact list and how to approach business owners with this program.




Week 1 – Enter Your Challenge START Date Here (_____/_____). This is the same Challenge start date your sponsor sent to the rev365 email address. 

   Announce to your employees that you are looking to offer a new benefits package for your business. Ask them the Simple Question. “Would you spend $50 a month on your health in order to earn a $100 a month bonus, or more?” In other words, ask them “If every time you gave me $50, I gave you $100 or more, how long would you do that?”  If they say “indefinitely”, then it’s a no-brainer. 

   Have your employees view the Employee Benefits Introduction Video on the “Employee Benefits Program” page on the REV 365 website. This explains the program to them so you don’t have to. Give them the network marketing company’s name & website. Have them view the company’s products to see which products they would like to try. Remind them that their individual monthly orders need to be at LEAST $50 in RETAIL value each month in order to receive their individual bonus. 

   Give employees a copy of the Employee Agreement Form for them to review and sign. This form can be edited to suit your individual business needs. 

  Save a copy of the REV 365 Introductory Webinar to your Google drive on your phone or save the link to the webinar (from YouTube) in the notes section of your phone so it can be easily shared with business owners at a moment’s notice.

    Send the REV 365 sample email or call your first 4-5 business owners on (_____/_____) to invite them to view the program. See the “Sharing” section of the website on how to best approach someone with this program.  

   Download the Telegram app from the app store onto your smartphone. You will receive a Telegram “invite” from one of our Admins with a link to join our group. This will allow you to check the status of your team’s growth during the 30-Day Free Look Challenge. 

NOTE: Remember your own start date (MM/DD) listed above.  You should see this date next to your name in our Telegram group when you do a search on your name.  

   Once a business owner you’ve shown the program to reveals they have a revenue goal calculated and has shared it with you, and they are ready to take the 30-Day Free Look Challenge, you are now officially their Sponsor! Go to the Sponsor page of our website, and print out the steps to sponsoring your Participant. Send an email to  In the ‘Subject’ field type the word “Challenge”, then type the following information in the body of the text:  


Sponsor – John Doe (MM/DD) (sponsor’s original challenge start month/date)

Participant – Jane Doe (MM/DD & cell #) (participant’s challenge start or current date) 

NOTE: Sponsors, please make sure you:

a)      Provide the participant’s cell phone number in your email. Our Admins will only use this number to send a group invite to our Telegram Team Repeat group. This cell number will NOT be used for solicitations…ever!

b)      Make sure the participant knows their start/current date (MM/DD). They will need this when they are checking/searching the status of their 30-Day Challenge in the Telegram app. This helps distinguish between persons with the exact same first and last name. 

Final Notes: Please do NOT submit an email to our Admin team unless the Participant has already established a revenue goal AND has 15-20 names of business owners to contact! If they did not do this step, then this is a RED FLAG that they are not on board with the program. And the Participant will more than likely become a hinderance to the team. It would be better for them to step away from the program altogether…no harm, no foul.   

Participant names and cell numbers are ONLY used to 1) add you to our Telegram group, so you can track yourself through the challenge, and 2) help us distinguish between business owners with similar first and last names when performing searches within the group.  

If you have submitted an email as detailed in this step and haven’t received a response from our Admin team via email or Telegram within 24hrs, please send the same email a 2nd time. DO NOT wait to hear from us before you start sharing the program with other business owners. 

   Review the following website in its entirety: Excluding the videos and the FAQ, the website should take less than an hour to read/review. Then review the network marketing company’s website provided by your sponsor at your leisure.  

   Sometime this week, do a search for your name within our Telegram group. See “The Challenge” tab on the REV 365 website instructions on how to do a search within the Telegram app for our group. Specifically look for your full name and start date (MM/DD) by doing a search in the group. Look for your name in the #1 (FIRST) position on a message board. This is YOUR personal message board. When your message board reaches 31 total names, you will be notified by our Admins that it is time for you to “launch”…join the team!  

NOTE: When doing a search during your 30-day period, you may find your name on multiple message boards within the group, but the ONLY important message board for you to monitor is the message board where YOU (your name) is in the #1 position.


Week 2


   Follow up with the first group of business owners you asked to view the program last week. Whether they’ve seen the introductory video or not, ask “What’s your revenue goal?” If they say, “what’s that?”, then tell them to listen to the webinar and get back to you with their revenue goal. If you don’t hear back from them, then move on. This program is far too powerful to have to convince anyone to view the program and give an answer. Remember, we’re looking for business owners who want an appealing benefits program for employees, and who have revenue needs. 

   Invite at least 4-5 more business owners to view the program.

   Throughout the week, do searches on your name within our Telegram group to check your status.

   If any of your 15-20 contacts (participants) have agreed to take the Challenge, send an email to our Admins as described in Week 1 above.


 Week 3


   Follow up with the next group of business owners you asked to view the program last week. Whether they’ve seen the introductory video or not, ask “What’s your revenue goal?” If they say, “what’s that?”, then tell them to listen to the webinar and get back to you with their revenue goal. If you don’t hear back from them, then move on.

   Invite at least 4-5 more business owners to view the program.

   Throughout the week, do searches on your name within our Telegram group to check your status. 

   If any of your 15-20 contacts (participants) have agreed to take the Challenge, send an email to our Admins as described in Week 1 above.    


Week 4


   Follow up with the next group of business owners you asked to view the program last week. Whether they’ve seen the introductory video or not, ask “What’s your revenue goal?” If they say, “what’s that?”, then tell them to listen to the webinar and get back to you with their revenue goal. If you don’t hear back from them, then move on. 

   Invite at least 4-5 more business owners to view the program. 

   Throughout the week, do searches on your name within our Telegram group to check your status. 

   If any of your 15-20 contacts (participants) have agreed to take the Challenge, send an email to our Admins as described in Week 1 above. You should be close! 

   Get the product orders from your employees. You will need them when you “launch”. 


Our Admins will update your message board automatically within the Telegram App and notify you once you are ready to “launch” (join the network marketing company and our team!) Once this happens, contact your Sponsor to immediately get signed up! 

If after the 30-day period you have 31 names (including yours) on your message board, CONGRATULATIONS! You have the needed number of business owners in the pipeline to cover your initial startup costs in the program ($200), and springboard you into becoming a LEVEL 3. Commissions will amplify on a weekly bases as everyone on your message board completes the same challenge in succession of you! 

If you do NOT have your personal message board filled after the 30-day period, no worries. You can either; a) exit the program, no harm no foul, OR; b) hang in there until your chart is filled…don’t worry it WILL get filled! 

This is all we do! We teach this same system to every business owner we know, and we all go through this 4-week process just once!  We all experience better health and wellness, along with immediate, unlimited revenue for our businesses and our families! If every business owner who ever sees this program, simply takes the 30-Day Free Look Challenge, then it would be impossible for anyone to miss their individual revenue goals…no matter the amount! 

NOTE: You may be notified that it’s time to launch PRIOR to completing the 30-day Challenge. This is because growth is happening all around you at a faster pace than expected, and it’s all tied to you. This is why we encourage everyone to share the program continuously, as often as you wish, even after you launch! 

Repeating the Process! It’s EASY! 

While you only need to go through this Challenge once, you’ll be able to amplify your revenue growth by continuing to share our benefits program over and over again, while guiding those you sponsor through this same Challenge! It’s the perfect system!

Now, let’s learn how to properly share the program during the Challenge! 

Click below!