
The Federal Trade Commission heavily regulates the Network Marketing industry. Thankfully so, because from time to time you may hear about unscrupulous individuals who will try to manipulate, or out-right deceive customers or participants using unethical and/or illegal practices (see Pyramid Schemes below).

Your chosen Network Marketing company should have a clear set of compliance information on their main website. It is your responsibility, as a business owner, to read and understand, not only the rules and regulations for the network marketing industry, but also the rules and regulations of the network marketing company itself. 

But we’re here to give you a good start on how to present your chosen network marketing company to others.

1.   Make it very clear that success in the network marketing industry historically does NOT come easy. It takes focus, determination, and vision to become successful.

2.   Every network marketing company should have an Annual Earnings Report that will give a simple breakdown of how much money is paid out to members each year. See Earnings Disclaimer below.

3.   Publicly announcing and/or claiming salary earnings with the intention that everyone will be able to do the same is an unethical business practice and can result in fines from the FTC, and/or removal of membership with the network marketing company. See Income Claims below.

While only 1 percent of the Network Marketing Industry is making 99% of the money, our REV 365 system completely changes those statistics/ratios with a never-before seen system that results in the highest rate of customer and membership retention. This, in turn, increases individual commissions and bonuses. However, there is no guarantee of specific earnings using our program. Individual earnings will depend directly on how often the REV 365 Employee Benefits Program is shared and implemented.

Conflicts of Interest

Many of us business owners work for, sale for, or have existing relationships with larger corporations. These corporations have strict guidelines concerning conflicts of interests with their affiliations. Our program was specifically designed to co- exist with over 99% of existing corporations in the U.S.

However, it is the specific responsibility of each business owner to review and adhere to any guidelines or ethical practices set forth by any corporate affiliates.  

Income Claims

At no time should members of any network marketing company openly share the amount of money they are earning with that network marketing company. The FTC frowns on this action because it could lead other members to assume that they too will earn that same type of money without putting in the appropriate time and effort to do so.

Income should be kept quiet and personal just as it is with your current small business you are running. However, it is acceptable to openly share the size of your team/organization, and length of time you’ve been a member of the network marketing company. Let your audience use their own imaginations as to what amount of income it equates to. Stay focused only on what is possible through working our REV 365 System.  

Pyramid Schemes

From time to time, you may encounter individuals who wonder if the network marketing industry, itself is a pyramid scheme. The short answer is “no”. HOWEVER, pyramid scheming does exist in the network marketing industry. Just like insurance fraud, investment fraud, and healthcare fraud exists in their respective industries. These are people who look to take advantage of industries that exchange enormous amounts of money between parties. Thank goodness for governing organizations who protect us against such fraud. There is one key clue to pyramid scheming. It most often occurs when money exchanges hands for recruiting people, while no goods & services exchanges hands in return. You are encouraged to stay clear of these types of organizations.    

We have researched multiple network marketing company compensation plans over the past several years and have created a short list of key attributes of quality companies that exist in the network marketing industry. See the “Companies and Products” page of this website for those quality attributes. 

Earnings Disclaimer

The ability to earn income/revenue under any network marketing company’s compensation plan depends on many factors including, but not limited to, an individual member’s business, social and sales skill, personal desire and activity, availability of time and resources, and access to other business owners. Network marketing companies do not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even individuals who dedicate a significant amount of time and money may not achieve what they consider to be a meaningful level of success.

Program Disclaimer

The REV 365 Employee Benefits Program is strictly REVENUE driven. It was not designed to promote any particular network marketing company, nor their products. You can learn more about your chosen network marketing company and their individual products from your Sponsor, or by visiting the network marketing company's website directly.