The System

The REV 365 System is a system of guaranteed sales that uses zero dollars out of pocket to vet and test the program to see if it’s right for your business. It is comprised of 4 “triggers” which propels the program into generating immediate, unlimited revenue for your business. Every successful business that exists in the world today has a system or series of systems which can be easily learned and duplicated. We have flipped the network marketing industry upside down by leveraging the certainty of sales without fail. Let’s explain why it works!

Why it works

1. The “Simple Question”

This is the foundation of the REV 365 Employee Benefits Program. If an employee were to ever say “no” to additional income, this program would not exist. It is the employee’s continuous desire for more income that fuels the program. And once the program starts, it will never stop. Even if the employee lacks the desire to exercise or eat healthier, they have proven themselves to never lack the desire to earn more income. Now, IF we can all agree that once an employee starts ordering products they will never stop, as long as they are receiving profit-sharing bonuses of $100 or more, then the only thing left to do is feed the pipeline with an unlimited number of business owners taking the Challenge!

2. The 30-Day Free Look Challenge

The 30-Day Free Look Challenge is the 2nd trigger. It provides a non-pressured approach to reviewing the REV 365 Employee Benefits Program, and it costs absolutely ZERO dollars to participate in the challenge! At the same time, when coming out of the 30-day period, every business owner is positioned to springboard into a LEVEL 3, which is the highest promotional position of most network marketing companies. This is the 1st big step toward maximizing the network marketing company’s compensation plan!  Now, maximizing the compensation plan may not be your individual revenue goal, but we have to mention it because every business owner using this system, in repetition, will automatically propel themselves in the direction of maxing out the compensation plan by default. In other words, smaller goals turn into larger goals when business owners begin to see the rapid growth of their organizations. Our team uses the “Surety of Launch” concept, which is a bond, an arms-length agreement between business owners that says no business owner will ever enter the challenge without:

  • Having a revenue goal established
  • Having a written record of at least 15-20 business owners they know, or don’t know on paper, or in the notes section of their phone
  • Following through with asking these same 15-20 business owners to view the program in the 30-day challenge period, and encouraging each them to at least take the same 30-day challenge
  • Launching (joining the program) in succession of their Sponsor after being notified it’s time to do so

This “Surety of Launch” is what binds us together and brings validation to the estimated bonuses and commissions shown in this program. It takes what’s possible and turns it into reality! Each of us working together as a unified team, ensuring that everyone on the team reaches their individual revenue goals.

3. The CAS system

The 3rd trigger is the Customer Acquisition System (CAS). The system within the system. We took the answer to the “Simple Question” of “YES” and developed this Employee Benefits Program. This first-of-its-kind program provides:

  • A loyal customer base (of employees) for the network marketing company, resulting in the highest customer retention rates in the network marketing industry
  • Higher employee retention for you, the employer
  • Consistent, unlimited revenue for the network marketing companies
  • Consistent, unlimited revenue for YOU, the business owner
  • Improved health & wellness for hundreds and thousands of employees across the U.S. and abroad   

NOTE: It is imperative that you, the business owner, consider increasing the profit-sharing bonus ratios for your employees as the program generates more and more revenue for your business. Increasing bonus ratios will further solidify employee retention levels.

4. The Computer Program

The 4th and most important trigger is the network marketing company’s computer program! Now, put your thinking caps on for a moment here. When a business owner, whom you sponsor, “launches” they are joining the network marketing company and placing an order for themselves and their employees using your assigned membership number. The ordered items are then pulled from the stocked shelves, then boxed, and shipped. That is when the network marketing company’s computer program is told to release commissions to all applicable membership numbers, sending payments directly to bank accounts.

So, the more often “launching” takes place, the more often commissions are paid. And WHY? Because a computer program will automatically do exactly what it is programmed to do. NO MOTIVATION REQUIRED! Motivating people can be a challenge, right? Well, have you ever tried to motivate a computer program to do what it’s programmed to do? Of course not!

All we did was create a system of guarantees sales. A system that triggers the network marketing company’s computer program to do what it is programmed to do, as a result of sales. And now all we have to do is execute the system and teach others to do the same.  Duplication is the key!

NOTE: Everyone only launches (joins) ONCE. However, the continuous ordering of products will occur indefinitely by our employees as they continue to receive their bonuses month after month, year after year. Thus, continuous, increasing revenue will flow through your business for years to come.


Most successful network marketing companies have internal “systems” they share and teach to their members designed to inspire team growth. You are encouraged to see how, or if, those systems work with our one-of-a-kind REV 365 system. Our challenge to all network marketing companies reading this information is for them to create systems that focus on RETENTION of customers and members (associates) FIRST, growth SECOND! As we all know, it’s hard to keep a cup of water full that has holes in it, right? Most network marketing companies miss the mark by focusing on growth instead of addressing the elephant in the room, TURNOVER! Our REV 365 System was created to dominate the network marketing industry in both GROWTH & RETENTION!  

Are you ready for the Challenge? Let’s get it! Click below.