The Need

There are millions of small business owners who are looking for employee benefit programs that benefit both the employee as well as the business owner. However, many small business owners with employees lack the funding, support, and resources to offer packages that meet those needs (i.e. healthcare, retirement plans, continued education, flex time, etc.). At the same time, employees are looking to take control of their own health. They want to feel better, eat better, move better, look better, and be better. While some just need to be pointed in the right direction, others may need incentive to get started. 
Whether it’s health issues, weight control, performance, or loss of energy, these obstacles can often result in unexpected time off by employees, reduced productivity, not to mention high employee turnover. These challenges impact the small business owner more severely than in a big corporate office setting. Well, it’s time small businesses with employees offer benefit packages similar to big “Corporate America” companies…permanent solutions for today’s market challenges. Imagine having the revenue to subsidize part or pay all of the employee’s health insurance, retirement planning, and life & disability insurance benefits, no matter the costs. Imagine being able to replace the expense of your current group insurance plan(s), with no money out of your own pocketbook!  

The Solution

Help them both, the employee and employer alike, in their pocketbooks! REV 365 offers the flexibility of a lifelong “wellbeing” benefits program built from the voluntary participation and financial desires of the small business employee, while providing immediate, long-lasting revenue for YOU, the employer, to be used at your discretion. This program uses wellness products to address the financial & health goals employees wish to achieve. And now, for the first time ever, you can monetarily reward your employees for taking control of their own health, while building immediate, unlimited revenue for your own business!  Additionally, this program places you in the best position to be the employer of choice when it comes to hiring competition and employee retention.

The Benefit

View the following video, then share it with your employees.

The REV 365 Employee Benefits Program is simple. Each employee orders a minimum of $50 in health & wellness products each and every month. In turn you, the employer, will offer a profit-sharing bonus to the employee from the revenue generated through the program. The employee will be ordering directly from you through your wholesale membership with the network marketing company, similar to any SAMS club, Amazon, or Costco discount membership.
The employee will initially profit $2 for every $1 they spend in the program.  The $50 a month minimum order amounts to a profit-sharing bonus of at least $100 a month per employee. This is a minimum bonus of $1200 a year, per employee. Later, we will show you how to generate the revenue needed to immediately cover these profit-sharing bonuses. The amount of residual revenue generated for your business through this program will far exceed the bonuses paid to employees, given the suggested number of employee participants within your business, and the sharing of this program with other business owners.  See Frequently Asked Questions for more details.
The more the employee contributes to the program, the greater their bonus. Employees are paid their bonuses directly by you, the employer, through their regular payroll. The timing of bonus payments to the employee (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annually) are strictly determined by you…and you control the maximum bonus payouts employees can receive.  See the Employee Agreement Form for more details. 

Added Benefit

In addition to profit-sharing bonuses offered to employees, both you and your employees can participate in the following added benefit: 

Social Media Community

Employers, along with their employees will be invited to join our social media communities. It’s a health and wellness community that focuses on the goals and aspirations of individuals wishing to better their personal health and wellbeing. It’s very motivating! In addition, business owners ONLY are invited to a separate community group that focuses solely on creating immediate, unlimited revenue to the tune of 4-6 figures a month for their businesses using this same benefits program. 
Now, before we explain how it’s possible to generate this type of revenue using this unique program, we need to first understand the industry that supports the wellness goals and financial desires of you and your employees.
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