Attention small business owners…

Suppose you walk into your office tomorrow, and one of your most valued employees abruptly hands you their resignation. Their lips are moving as they hand you the letter. You hear them say something about better benefits and pay, but you’re deaf to the rest of what they’re saying because your mind quickly shifts to:
  1. Wait…WHAT? WHY? 
  2. The amount of time, training, and money that went into hiring them!
  3. The amount of time, training, and money that will go into hiring another!  
After all, how long can we expect our employees to stay stationary in an inflationary market? Well, our goal with this program is to prevent this from ever happening to you in the future, or at least have your employees think twice before leaving. It’s a fact that small business owners must consistently find ways to stay relevant in an ever-changing marketplace. 

Enter the…

REV 365 - Employee Benefits Program

Generate immediate, unlimited revenue for your business while increasing employee retention using this simple program...takes just 15 minutes to set up...runs maintenance-free!

Welcome to REV 365!  REV 365 stands for revenue generated 365 days a year for any of the 30 million small businesses in the U.S., and millions more abroad. The REV 365 concept was birthed by an insurance agent in 2011. Like two pieces of a puzzle, REV 365 combines an employee profit-sharing benefits program with the power of network marketing to create the first-of-its-kind residual revenue generator!  
 Whether you need consistent revenue for:
  • Salary + Benefits
  • Marketing 
  • Training
  • Equipment
  • Income
  • Education
  • Taxes
  • Retirement
  • Generational wealth
  • Additional interests…
This program addresses the immediate revenue needs of all small business owners, while serving as one of the strongest employee retention tools in the small business marketplace today.  
The cost to run this program is $200 a month…and this cost is paid for through the participation of your employees in the program. The program takes just 15 minutes to set up and runs maintenance-free! 
For now, it’s important to understand how REV 365 was created from asking one Simple Question of an employee, and how that one question continues to breathe revenue into all small businesses across the world today. Click below.